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  • Pen of Life 人生之笔

        Suppose someone gave you a pen - a sealed, solid-colored pen. 假如有人送你一支笔,一支不可拆卸的单色钢笔。 You couldn't see how much ink i...

  • 英语之声:生命中最美丽的经典瞬间

        That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person。 世界上最好的课堂在老人的脚下。 That when youre in love.it shows...

  • 一生的收获 (有声美文)

        可能那就是一件小事,可能那就是一句不经意的话,但那也许就是你受用一生的东西。 He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from...

  • 双语:哈佛图书馆自习墙上的训言

        1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpreta dream. 1.此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆...

  • Happiness:接受这世界,你会快乐

        There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so.---- -William Shakespeare, Hamlet One of the greatest sources of unhappiness,...

  • 双语阅读:用心理学来自我认识

        How well do you know yourself? Its a question many of us struggle with, as we try to figure out how close we are to who we actually want t...

  • What is Happiness?(美文)


  • 有时“不错”好过“完美”

        I was inspired by an observation by Voltaire to make my resolution Dont let the perfect be the enemy of the good. In other words, instead ...

  • 月出时分(经典美文)


  • 双语:20本英文书点亮你的人生智慧

        1. Your Money or Your Life, by Joe Dominguez andVicki Robins。 关于理财的书籍,重点推荐这一本,你应该读一下。它了解大多数人的理财观念,并...

  • Pure English :别让缺点限制了你

        我们大多数人都不会面对这些人所面对的挑战,而我们大多数人也没有取得这些人所获得的成就。 除非我们选择努力。 如果马克英格里斯没有腿都能登上世...

  • 双语哲理美文:书写你的生命 Write Your Own Life

        Suppose someone gave you a pen a sealed, solid-colored pen. You couldnt see how much ink it had. It might run dry after the first few tent...

  • 心灵鸡汤:如果世界是个一百人的村落

        If the world were a Village of 100 People 如果世界是个一百人的村落 David J.Smith/大卫.史密斯 Shelath Armstrory/谢拉.阿姆斯壮 If we could ...

  • 疯狂体验:灵魂出窍,把身体扔一边

        THE young man woke feeling dizzy. He got up and turned around, only to see himself still lying in bed. He shouted at his sleeping body, sh...

  • Pure English :寻找内心那一泓清泉

        你无法改变那些必然发生的事情,它们终会发生。你要做的就是期望它们发生,甚至在发生前就把它们看作已经发生的事实,那么你就不会那么恼怒了。 你...

  • 心灵鸡汤:一双袜子A Pair of Socks

        A Pair of Socks One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. I tur...

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